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Track 1:

Technology of the textile and clothing industry to achieve sustainable development.

  • Nanotechnology and textile industries and adapting with global variables.

  • Smart E-textiles and their applications

  • Printing, dyeing, fixtures and their innovations

  • Design, interactive technologies and technological innovations.

  • Textiles and clothing industries in Egypt and sustainable development.

  • Technological innovations and the fashion industry.

  • Addressing the economic situation and textile industries problems that hinder the achievement of sustainable growth.

Track 2:

Education Technology between reality and the hope, to achieve Egypt vision 2030

  • Technology innovations and learning outcomes

  • Upgrading evaluation systems and exams to achieve Egypt vision 2030

  • Intelligent Learning Systems

  • Education Technology applications for learning needs

  • Education technology and the labor market

  • E-learning and future prospects

  • Virtual learning environments and their management systems.

Track 3:

Fine arts and the development of craft industries through creativity and technology

  • Fine arts and technological innovations

  • Small projects, handicrafts to develop achievement

  • Artistic taste, recreation and innovations of teaching methods of art education

  • General and technical education curricula and labor market requirements - Nanotechnology in Fine Arts

  • Creativity and technological innovations and their role in teaching visual arts.

  • Development of technical skills for special needs.

Track 4:

Food health, family management and institutions to achieve sustainable development

  • Household economics and consumer protection

  • Childhood, motherhood and family relations

  • Processing, furnishing and maintenance of the house

  • The relationship between nutrition and human health

  • Food and nutrition for people with nutritional needs

  • Development of food products and food fortification

  • Innovations of teaching methods of home economics and rehabilitation of distinguished graduates

Track 5:

The role of media and theater in achieving sustainable development

  • Social media and the promotion of rumors

  • The ethics of media practice between commitment and lack of credibility

  • Social networking sites and their impact on youth

  •  Educational media and security challenge

  •  School theater and its role in development planning

  •  Digital Media and sustainable development

  •  Legal and ethical controls for the use of social networks

Track 6:

Music roles in refining and elevating public taste.

  •  Creativity and innovation in music and its developmental and social role.

  •  Revival of artistic traditions in the field of music education - through the study and analysis of artists works.

  •  The integration of the senses in the musical taste.

  •  Technological innovations and their impact on Arabic and international music and teaching methods

  •  Developing musical skills for people with special needs.

  •  Media and the promotion of music and the dissemination of musical identity
