The International Design Journal IDJ:
The International Design Journal is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-access publication issued by the Scientific Association of Designers, an officially accredited society, in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Arts and Designers Syndicate. It aims to showcase cutting-edge research in various design fields such as product design, industrial design, interior design, visual communication design, interface design, animation and game design, media design, textile and textile printing design, and other related areas. 
The journal operates under an Open Access policy and serves as a platform for advancing the culture of design and enhancing the research and design capabilities of Arab scholars and designers on a global scale.
The primary objective of the journal is to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas, information, data, and findings among investigators and designers from diverse cultural backgrounds. It strongly encourages the exploration of all aspects related to design theory and practice. Designers are urged to showcase their expertise in design through various mediums and provide insights into key issues they encounter. The Journal is published bimonthly in both print and online formats and is supported by an esteemed international editorial board comprising experts in various design domains. The International Design Journal welcomes contributions in any research area within the field of design.
All research submissions to the journal undergo a rigorous double-blind international refereeing process. This ensures that the reviewers remain unaware of the identity of the author(s), and vice versa. The aim is to ensure a fair and unbiased review of all submissions. Additionally, a panel of distinguished referees from diverse design-related fields assesses the quality and significance of all submitted studies. Apart from the evaluation of research on a global scale by specialized committees of international referees working in product design, engineering, industrial design, and all disciplines encompassing applied and fine arts, academic institutions also contribute to the assessment.
The journal holds a prominent position in the evaluation of scientific journals by the Supreme Council of Universities, receiving the highest score in this evaluation. (Evaluation image). Furthermore, it is published on advanced international platforms that place the journal at the forefront of its classification.
Open access policy:
Have a look at our open-access policy; click here
Vision, mission, and objectives:
Global leadership and excellence in publishing high-calibre academic works in the domains of design and arts.


The journal seeks to be:
A beacon for promoting creativity and innovation while optimizing the advantages of technical and digital advancements and productive international collaborations; and act as a lighthouse for eminent scientific research and knowledge production that helps society.
A venue that upholds international quality standards for excellence in scholarly publishing while exhibiting the innovations of researchers and designers as well as their peer-reviewed scientific output.
- To strengthen intellectual ties and disseminate scientific culture among researchers and promote scholarly communication.
- To build bridges of communication between professionals in various design fields and academic institutions, and their connections in the fields of arts, art education, curricula, educational technology, psychology, management, media, technologies, and industrial processes.
- To raise the level of design education and research and related production processes in design education institutions and develop them by innovating the methods and means used.
- Empowering researchers and referees to acquire intellectual and professional skills by providing a scientific reference that brings together studies, research, and innovations in design, art, and related technologies within a contemporary, integrative framework.
- Contribute to the production of distinguished scientific research that serves society, the environment, and industry, and supports creativity and innovation in the fields of art and design.

Scope of the Journal:
- Design, art, product design, fashion design, interior design, industrial design, advertising and graphic design, textile design, digital design, manufacturing technology, applied research, and all related technologies.

for Vision, Mission and Objectives Page Click here.

Advertising policy:
  • Ads that contradict the community's moral and cultural standards are not permitted for publication in The Journal.
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  • Advertising contracts are a minimum of 6 months in duration and are renewable. Only one ad is allowed per page.
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Impact Factor 0.3657Q1
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ICV 5.75