Peer Reviewing Process:
1- Preliminary Examination
  • Submissions to the journal are subject to a "preliminary review" to ensure adherence to guidelines for research writing and scientific writing techniques. At this point, the Editorial Board decides who qualifies for refereeing and has the authority to express regret for accepting publishing.
  • Priority is given to innovative experimental and field research work conducted recently. Works that have previously been published locally or internationally shall not be accepted.
  • All submissions for review and/or publication must be in Microsoft Word format, with A4 pages and 2.5 cm margins all around. Footnotes are not required. (Research guidelines and papers turned in)
2- The arbitration process:
  • The writers will provide two clearly stated abstracts of their study or research, with a maximum of three pages each in Arabic and English;, written using clearly stated in addition to the full paper;
    • Research title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), and Email of all authors
    • Study Background, Problem, Objectives, Significance, Methodology, and Results, 
    • 3 to 6 keywords,
    • A full list of references with Arabic references translated into English.
  • All submissions for review and/or publishing must be in MS Word format, consisting of four A4 pages with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and no footnotes at all. (Specifications for Paper) (Paper Specifications)
  • A softcopy of the paper should be submitted by email to:
  • The same elements are included in an Arabic abstract that the author also provides, which is composed in Arabic using Microsoft Word and is available digitally (Softcopy).
3- Local refereeing processes
  • As soon as the international reviewer's approval of the English abstract is obtained, the local arbitration begins.
  • All submitted items must be referenced using APA Style or another accepted citation style. There is no place for footnotes in any research project.
  • For all submitted works, A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) paper with 2.2 cm margins on all sides of the page should be used. Additionally, Times New Roman font in sizes 12 and 11 should be used for Arabic and English text, respectively.
  • If delivering an electronic copy by email proves to be impossible, a hard copy of the research paper can be physically delivered or mailed to the following address:
Editor in chief, International Design Journal
Faculty of Applied Arts, 5 Ahmed Zewail Street, " formerly Tharwat st.,
Orman - Giza

4- Publication validity:

  • Before being published, all materials submitted to the Journal for arbitration are reviewed by an arbitral tribunal made up of the aforementioned international referee and two members of the scientific committees for the promotion of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities SCU, each in their respective field of expertise.
  • Should the provided materials require minor or significant modifications, the editor forwards the assessment form together with any referee remarks to the writer for revision or response.
  • The editor delivers an apologetic letter if the arbitral tribunal decides not to publish the work.
  • After obtaining the signed consent for intellectual property from each author, the paper is published. (consent)
  • The number of pages of a paper should not exceed (15) pages including all attachments, and summaries. Additional fees for extra pages may be asked for, Click here for fees

Publication Ethics : Click to read Publication Ethics

Indexed by
Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Impact Factor 0.3657Q1
Impact_Factor(2024)0,69 Elsevier Digital Commons

ICV 5.75