Intellectual Property rights:
Copyrights are legal rights that attach to some type of intellectual property. Copyrights are granted to authors of creative works at the time of the work's creation in a fixed, tangible form. In publishing in this Journal, authors do not have to apply for or file copyright. Copyright is one of several intellectual property (IP) rights that exist, including, amongst others, trademarks, patents, and designs. Intellectual property is a fundamental right as stated by the Egyptian intellectual property law No. 82  (2002) a similar legislations around the globe. The owner of a copyright has the authority to use the work in one of four ways (examples of each provided as bullet points):
  1. To reproduce and/or distribute copies of the work, by making physical or digital copies of their work for colleagues, students, or others
  2. To prepare derivative works based upon the work, a subsequent article, chapter, or book that builds upon their original research
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  4. To publicly perform/ broadcast sound recordings via digital audio of the work
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Egyptian Knowledge Bank

Impact Factor 0.3657Q1
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ICV 5.75